Yup, my wonderful 9 year old Miniature Pinscher “Pixel” has been diagnosed with “Glaucoma”.
One morning, about a year ago, I woke up to discover my MinPin was winking at me. I found it odd (thought she might have something in her eye), and when I brought her into the light, her eye was clouded over “grey”, watery, and her pupil was dilated and barely re-acting to light.
A trip to the emergency room, the vet discovered she had a tiny scratch in her eye, and gave her meds. A week later, things were definitely not better. Thanks to the Internet, I suspected she had glaucoma since her symptoms matched those detailed online.
Another trip to the emergency vet, and pressure tests confirmed she had it. Now, she sees a veterinarian who specializes in opthamology, and she has to take multiple eye drops 3 times a day. Surprisingly enough, she still has vision in her bad eye (I have read that dogs with glaucoma can lose their eyesight within 24 hours if the eye remains untreated, and pressure remains too high).
Unfortunately, the meds will not keep this condition controlled forever (it seems she may eventually needs her meds changed, possibly lose her eyesight completely, may need surgery to help relieve symptoms, and perhaps even eye removal altogether)…
While she has many good days (and a few bad days) her meds, so far, seem to be keeping her comfortable enough. While she is not the wild and crazy pup she used to be, she still seems to be quite content!
I didn’t know that it had been confirmed… I hope she will still be ok for a long time to come, I would hate for my granddog to not be able to see her grandma when she comes for a visit! but I know she will still know that it’s me! xxxx
Thank You for the consolation that I’m not the only person who has the identical prob. I have with my Angel .